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Tyron Winter

1990 - The Netherlands 

Tyron Winter  (1990, NL) lives and works in Amsterdam, NL.


His work is a highly personal inquiry into what it means to be human and the (constructed) realities that govern the body and our existence.


Ranging from self-coded reflections on emotions, impermanence, heritage, the body and overarching themes such

as the organic versus the synthetic he creates multimedia objects and performances that are heavy in their symbolism, poetic nature and legibility.


Through his work he hopes to establish a universal and human connection between himself and the viewer.

Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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