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Martin La Roche

1988—Santiago, Chile

Martin La Roche could be defined as a gatherer and storyteller. His interest in devices that contain and transport objects and their memories has led him to the creation of portable collections and publications. For instance, in 2017 Martín initiated the Musée Légitime, a nomad art institution that invites different artists to contribute an artwork small enough or immaterial so it can fit inside a hat while the artist wears it. His practice is also concerned with fibers and other tissues, like paper. His involvement in artist books has led him to be part of Good Neighbour, an artist book platform in Amsterdam, interested in revisiting libraries and seeing books as performative tools. He is currently producing an artist publication with To see the inability to see, an art collective busy with themes such as boundaries, the anarchive and memory.

Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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