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Jo Wu

Jo Wu's work explores the possibility of healing through building an intimate relationship with nature. Her work draws from daily meditative observation of nature such as plants, trees, and water around her, and results in poetic expressions of the inner sensation felt within the process. These sensations and their diverse expressions are presented by the multi-layered movement, illusive gestures, and landscape-like imagery in her painting, as well as her written work of poetry where senses/sensations often dominate(s) and interrupt(s) the story narrative. She regards her artistic practice as means to create chances of healing and transcend the sensation of loss and grief to a personal and bodily truth that is at the same time impersonal and universal. Jo participated in the study of literature before completing her bachelor of fine art at Minerva Academy in Groningen with honour. Currently, she is on the trajectory of master of fine arts in painting at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Gent, Belgium.

Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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